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Who we hope to be
Christian theology has long identified unity, goodness, truth, and beauty as essential aspects of who God is - which also means that these four are the ultimate desire of all people (whether we realize it or not). We hope to find that our desire for God can be realized, however imperfectly, in our community.
God exists as unity of persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and to be made in God's image is to be made for relationship, for community. We desire to be a community where we can know and be known, where we rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep, where we share our lives with one another.
​​​​An essential aspect of being the Body of Christ in the world is to love and serve the very kinds of people whom Christ himself loved and served. Jesus fed the hungry, healed the sick, and lifted up the lowly. Faith in Jesus means faithfully following him in serving the least. Loving God has everything to do with loving our neighbors. ​​
To seek the truth requires critical engagement with the predominant culture and the formation of a counterculture that enables us to live more truthfully. More than just seeking to make faith “relevant” for modern people, we want to demonstrate that Christ is truer than any truth we think we know. We want to live as if what we profess is true.
The Truth is beautiful, and every encounter with beauty reveals truth. Aesthetics matter. In the same way that Christ is lowly yet exalted, we hope that our simple worship leads us into a transcendent reality, an experience of the eternal in our temporal world. We want to be a community that encourages people to share artistic gifts (musical, yes, but all the others too) and facilitates their expression.
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